
Watering Instructions for Grass Seeding

New Grass Seedlings Poking Out Of Soil

Watering Instructions for Grass Seeding

Care for Newly Seeded/Overseeded Lawns

Proper care, particularly in the first several weeks will ensure successful establishment of the seeds. Please follow the watering and care instructions below for best results.

Phase 1 Maintenance Practices 0 to 10 days

To ensure maximum germination rate, soak your lawn on the same day the seed is applied. Day 2 -10 water each day for at least 10 to 15 minutes in each newly seeded area. Water the soil to a depth of about 1”. Watering a second time each day is recommended if the temperatures are over 70° degrees and sunny. During this phase, you are watering to keep the seed moist.

Phase 2 Maintenance Practices 10 to 28 days

Watering time can be lengthened, and frequency diminished after the second week.  Water to a depth of 1”. Do not allow the lawn to puddle.

The lawn can be cut once it has reached 3 ½ – 4” in height. Discontinue watering for one day before mowing to let the lawn dry out. Water after mowing the lawn for the first time.   **Do not apply fertilizer to the lawn yet.**

Phase 3 Maintenance Practices 5 weeks and beyond

You may begin to cut the lawn as needed, typically once every five to seven days. Be gentle on the lawn. Collect your clippings initially. Wait until after three to four mowings before regular use of the newly seeded area resumes.

Water the lawn approximately twice a week, making sure to apply 1” of water each week. Use a pie tin or similar container to measure irrigation by placing it in the path of the sprinkler.

You may apply a balanced turf fertilizer 6 weeks after installation. ** DO NOT apply herbicides until at least 10 weeks from the lawn installation.** Avoid applying herbicides when it is hot and dry. Wait for cooler weather.


  • You may walk on the lawn to move sprinklers but please try to keep foot traffic to an absolute minimum during the initial growth period.
  • Do not rake or remove loose straw from the lawn area. It will naturally decompose over time. If loose straw becomes redistributed by wind and heavy accumulation is noticeable remove excess straw.
  • If straw mats have been used, new grass growth may begin to push matting up. It is OK to remove matting in those areas.
  • Do not water at night or late in the evening. New seedlings are susceptible to diseases, which are encouraged by prolonged periods of being wet.
  • Make sure to water along pavement surfaces when the temperatures are warmer, as the seed with literally bake next to the hot surface early during the establishment phase.

Download a copy of our complete Care for Newly Seeded/Overseeded Lawns sheet by clicking the link above. 

If you have any questions about the seeding process or watering instructions don’t hesitate to let us know!